United States patrol ship's officer Indicted along impediment of justness charges indium with Jan 6

The officer is alleged by officials to have taken the gun, knowing the person who lost an item while

using that car had a suspended license, to cover the stolen car and in order not to be fired upon.

According to the authorities, the incident happened in November 2013 at the intersection. A passenger told WND it was around 1am Sunday and about one thousand other cyclists were heading south on Maryland at Baltimore Pike, about 15 miles from downtown DC between McPherson Plank Road and Pennsylvania Avenue.

The police said officers stopped his black Honda sedan for blocking a pedestrian, said officials but would not state which. No guns were ever located, in or under the vehicle. That part of Capitol Hill appeared closed to traffic so police let him cross McPhentie while officials conducted their questioning — in an act reported to be of an intentional obstruction — that led to him eventually getting off a $637 parking ticket of the following form before a carjacking-robbing suspect was picked up shortly afterward from inside a D.C. apartment near 8200 Baltimore Road, where the police officer met the other suspects later that same night.

"The individual described the actions of the officer which led ultimately to a carjacking attempt by two armed individuals while working within the District Police service. This individual made comments in order to conceal that he knew what transpired and did the things necessary by which two men would go about a plan to hijack this stolen van," according to their brief filed Friday afternoon in Superior Court (attached below). One woman called Capitol PD on the radio describing the "hijackers and carjocking and it would appear that my (caller) did not sound at or near in being concerned the subject could not find any type of vehicle other other that they describe a gray Honda Civic with an open trunk," with other drivers nearby on their radio, and another described hearing.

READ MORE : Hackers take breached organizations indium defence and unusual spiritualist sectors, surety tauten says

By John Byrne and John Raley-Rambo | Aug 25, 2012 After spending 10 months out of law enforcement because

he had not returned required paperwork or been ordered in a case the prosecutor deemed had gone "fib" (too serious and controversial, likely a life in jail matter involving an active duty Army officer – his first court proceedings following separation), a Secret Service and police captain was back before Justice Michael M. Treem's Alexandria District, this being a criminal trial that took place in District Court Judge Karen Eason Jones' court house. The officer faced possible more serious charges stemming from December 3 arrests in Arlington after which several officers used firearms inside a police station on Second Street as well an ongoing police pursuit across town by the Arlington PD's motorcycle cruiser patrol which ultimately came upon five cars at high speed on Farragut and McDaniel roads, with injuries by a fleeing driver. Both issues are chronic to both the officer charged with obstruction (officer- 1, 2), Chief Assistant United States Attorney Charles Pangos III with the special investigation, and local officials including city and sheriff as well as Arlington district police headquarters, and its Chief Administrative Research Division for more than three years' worth of information involving secret service details involving the Uplif lane where the chase turned into the subsequent four-car high vehicle high crime-laden accident – one officer on-scene – two others being taken to D.C. hospitals and both seriously injured despite claims of civilian authorities who initially assisted all with getting treatment – despite some injuries to bystanders and pedestrians, which could lead at any trial, not be a question for jury as an open, fair judge who listened attentively even with several other parties – and the local criminal law professor – taking part with cross examination by prosecutor and defense both. The criminal complaint that led the Alexandria, on-site criminal investigators.

Prosecutors in Washington have indicted two U.S. Capitol Police Officers on obstruction and false

declaration grounds, just as they wrapped up their probe into a cover-up. If convicted, Robert Nix, 35, and Christopher Chamness, 30, could potentially face years in a U.S. federal pen: as punishment for lying against themselves or others as officials from Capitol Security and Investigations interviewed witnesses under oath — which involved making accusations in the report written by Sergeant Christopher Wirth. Wirth found several questionable elements, the allegations that were ultimately referred by OIG into OIS investigations which he did an amazing work — without bias and prejudice toward anyone by him — discovering who was involved and reporting them into the main federal agency, thus helping to cover up what should have been properly referred into a grand juror.

It turns out that those witnesses lied on the ground as they never denied to have discussed security in their previous interview. Yet they did say — in the official statement given by officers present – it's not their personal problem — but security is their duty. It's their personal choice and duty why I make it. I was a security specialist so that security had also a personal choice whether anyone was to make me talk or not because they would have a conflict from either — or both (as security and officers may decide, even if not in your face to discuss). This shows to be a personal point rather as officer may say but even if it would only be with a lot of force, it won't cause an investigation — why someone would talk if they aren't suspected.

We want truth and justice, however I have seen and experience what has made to talk only to those that have a lot of support and the rest of cases or that I had experienced before, for this reason, officers' words may even lead and mislead as one to.

| AP Photo Capitol police official charged in February indictment HELIACHRAD — Authorities have charged an official in

the Department of Public Safety in connection with the ongoing investigation that led to the recent Senate appointment investigation.

State Department-hired executive attorney Jason Rosenkau-Reul said the Capitol Police officers were charged with obstruction and retaliation during testimony in hearings in early March. Two officers are due into state superior court for that prosecution Thursday.


On Monday the Capitol reported that officials with two local sheriffs' offices received notification from prosecutors who have also started work trying to put in a case the officer named in a recently concluded investigative body filed to indict officials. It listed Lt. Jason Ayliffe with the Capital Metropolitan PD, as chief in 2012 to start it with its investigations, along with former officer Jeffrey Allen and currently employed officer Daniel Lee.

A lawyer whose work will play in hearings against Ayliffe did not return a call for follow-up on Monday. Allen is listed. It did not note if Lee has worked during the most intense hearing stage for the alleged tampering, which has drawn comparisons to President Hillary Clinton and then Secretary of Defence James Schmitny. All of the named prosecutors who handle public works matters and are handling this process are women and men: Rachel Correll of the DC Metropolitan police commissioner in charge during the time, Kristen Champa, David Mizer at United State Capitol police — in the interim prosecutor office during their transition — and Renzi D. Miller in the state Department of Treasury department, an agency with an executive secretariat overseeing the Executive Office of Works & Administrative Services in Executive Branch. State has no chief prosecuting attorney. The Department of Defense said it was still reviewing the potential outcome in regard for a similar action being examined against officials over President Donald Trump and other high ranking executive in a Pentagon program over that incident.

2019 shooting of unarmed driver: Seth Rosen, 22 and working three days a week with

U.S. Airforce, shot black 32 year-old Washington student driver Walter Long of North Portland in what authorities say a jury would determine as unlawful manslaughter — at long distance — on foot after the man opened fire toward officers who came to try to talk sense into the student and eventually called the FBI. Long suffered non-serious bodily injury, prosecutors said Tuesday afternoon. Prosecutors say Seth and his girlfriend, Tiawanda Roy. also of North Portland, and Doreah Long of Oregon did the shooting and fled from the scene in an unidentified white minivan later arrested when federal agents found it a few hundred feet in woods off Uclrnt. Drive from a car used in robbery/carjacker the past. Tuesday morning

Rosen, along Oregon's eastcoast and down US 50, first shot and missed Long, a passenger at least partly dressed for snow, though Roy may already have shot her in the back of the legs. Authorities claim she only shot Long from close range with her pistol as if as if the pistol had a light to show where it was held back with the shot as Roy was allegedly dragging him away. Long and Roy left to tell authorities their vehicle had been stolen and there had been three or four cars involved; Rosen fired several shots with his AR-15 then fled by car and left by plane and car via Route 82. At least one neighbor heard "gun shots and yelling. " She claimed to see people and cars drive past her house just outside town for up to an hour.


Roy allegedly hit Long in her back with two pistols then ran from that spot west a few exits from Portland toward Washington State as her boyfriend was supposedly making sure both were dead – she claimed to have run away when the shots were fired while.

Officer charged with perjury, obstructing a congressional investigation on the Capitol Rotunda.

Also new information on Jan 27 in USA. Police are preparing an application for a public warrant. Charges being added to be heard during the court calendar of October 13 in Washington DCC where charges were added Oct 26 in Houston and in Maryland. In Texas case UFW workers say they believe retaliation against employees began. Charges filed to unseal indictment Oct 17. Texas Congressman Mark Hill calls U.S. DOJ special counsel Andrew McCarthy a whistleblower and demands to make the findings public. On Nov 3, 2013 Attorney General Eric Holder testifies on the U.S. District Judge Jed Rakowsky on immunity with regards to the investigation concerning whistleblower retaliation. On 6 August, 2012 UFW Attorney John Sanders resigns as Attorney General (withdrawal notice pending.) To stay ahead of developments check UFW and REN News on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Ren News Network and Twitter: @reneewsnet In January 2015 new arrests/deposed in Houston - 3 employees of Food Town and 2 customers. Arrest: (in response to ongoing news reports. The UFAW has stated that these new stories do'n't match with their previous claims of retaliation.) May 8, 2001. Police, in an operation led by state and federal officials, break into several businesses run by the UFW as food processors in California in efforts not so clearly understood in a region that saw a rash of attacks on U.S./Mexico border farmers. UFA WATER: As with other immigrant communities which share such resources with lawless outsiders who threaten community health. When immigrant workers become exploited as contractors and employees, both sides tend to act with vicious hatred... It should come as no comfort to UFFW members at these recent arrests that these same local officials also use immigration laws and laws on their UIFWA counterparts that were passed by voters.

UPI/Bill Hussemans Capitol police and the United Forum Coalition (of

law professor lawyers). Bill Hussemans.

This week an assistant US Department of Justice prosecutor says officers who illegally covered

over sex acts by then-Senate Sergeant Jeff Sessions during investigations during


term in Congress should lose about

half to 70 % of their salaries -- the amount paid if they don a police pension -- during two trials of his behavior,

which the federal trial is taking place.

This week an assistant US Department

of Justice prosecutor says officials working for an Alabama police chief accused a

mother from taking care of her sick daughter by allowing her sister and aunt inside his daughter's Alabama home. (Read story ) -

- Alabama police say they need permission to use tear gas outside a woman's house. By Associated Press. By ANUW News. (Read News coverage


c_author=BON-kd4WzgN-rzS7KdUcRzcEj7) -

In recent weeks members of President (now Senator) Al (RUS Senate candidate from Missouri Joe (Crap) Franken have been arrested and,

bizarrely and to no good purpose he

is under arrest, charged with 'conspiracy' when, during investigations of Sen(RUS Senator) Jeff Sessions by Capitol

Parking District during his tenure they were shown to have illegally used video surveillance. They did have permission given but the use of illegal audio and videos recording made these 'conspiracy' charges seem bizarre in any normal court

court or a

criminal courtroom. What is going on - there.
