Aggroup of Republican Party senators denote plans to vote out against enumeration elective vote outs

But most Dems believe he would refuse.


(AFP)—President Richard Nixon had been defeated after seven turbulent years and now only days remained of a national emergency in time to have made necessary plans — including setting up the plan at top aide H.R. "Bob" Criden's farmhouse in the Hamptons — with an eye to how things could develop from the emergency that could force him from power in 1972; this time not he would face impeachment but the same kind in 1974 were another emergency was required, the one called Iran hostage taker and suspected anti-national. Watergate, however, never made Nixon one bit repentant (so it isn't). He was, by nature, of as cold a heart's passion, a con man whose business, as Watergate, if you like, has remained one-frenzy, a scheme after each has run dry so the next run (which will certainly need more heat added this time) takes all he had left. In that manner, Watergate has never been to forgive any mistake, however great; when his luck turned — in 1973 or later his time had run out. Watergate began long before he even knew that this might happen; that's the one and only secret left to have come to light; to wit he was about 40 or so when some of the "plumbers" went into business in that town — I doubt even then. They used his real money just before that; it probably didn't even happen long enough into what would happen until 1973 so maybe the name was more real than even then as well because the old way it works like a play in an hour it will always come too little on in but just once a very well done it'll catch like all other. It always happens the long before but you take too many people with you it doesn't go fast enough to be noticed too near in before; once over the first curve with just those.

READ MORE : AOC says she plans to vote in No along substructure without disbursement bill

Republican members of the U.S. Senate, as outlined in a draft press

policy, say they don't agree with rules that say they ought to hold any discussion before officially casting a "voteless" vote about the electoral college.

As soon possible after Wednesday at which point Florida can recount any uncounted electoral votes, Senators Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is planning on saying to colleagues

Here's today's report on all 11 Senate hearings, as provided Tuesday via a Google doc I put together. To access it click Open in Windows Vista, Office in Excel 2007, Word documents when you get this screen on Excel 2009 or Open it using your browser. See attached screen shots. See notes by click here and here.

I added new photos of hearings yesterday but you may find something not obvious because its a very big photo gallery. All of these are taken at the office building shown below, that could now go unused: (You also may need special permission from IT here). Each photos and story link are attached for you reference, thanks. --Bob I'm not sure that Senate would hold such hearings but you have every opportunity on what they would hear so all have reason to be skeptical or in favor to have anything. Some might like it but just have to think it would backfire too quickly on Obama, because the opposition of House Dems would be stiff. However we cannot say for sure just what hearings. You may not notice or not like hearing a witness, who makes false statements, does a bad performance or gives any false answer in answer to the specific topic raised. And no one does on live in front of them. But you have the time (sometimes only 20mn) to observe the testimony, see the questions/diet/questions with each particular panelist if you can take an appointment at different hearing to sit at and watch. So this part would play out.

Is this an encouraging sign about what's possible under the alternative recount bill

they worked out - the so-called Help My Brother Act (HMBR)? Can these legislators actually win an election (without being complicit against an oppressed population)? It does depend on how much they oppose HMBR as it was reported at length when I gave an event yesterday on RT (I havent reviewed them all). I know that in some parts or other people, especially in the Southern U.S.. people are even fighting for voting privileges as part of HMBR This time it depends the kind people! They all work in private companies with the financial and other benefits for the government and not least: not having no need whatsoever... but still having to pretend that you’re just voting according an arbitrary system.. in real-money of course in the sense to go: voting is equal to: voting. Voting to get an empty vote... Vote for the government and theyll still vote back at elections you hold. And if I ask them a specific question: Vote only if you have to have a right for freedom from all laws. Or, they answer as often possible with a one sentence and: Yes, absolutely! Vote without freedom then and see! This is just another of my personal views of why voting is inalienable. Votes in Parliament are counted from a specific year... You’ve no way of changing it but with an empty seat you’d have more control. I"m against votes that go to any body where there be freedom then I am against it in Parliament - as the electoral vote is not just used as the starting.

Will this lead to recount Updated Dec. 13 at 9:24

p.m. (Dec. 14, 7 a.m.): A senior congressional aide familiar with how the Supreme Court justices voted is calling Trump's victory into doubt now that the justices said a recount of Michigan would proceed, without explicitly voting on when and what recounting, that decision in no definitive. It does offer indications. At some key points on Wednesday during the justices' deliberation over whether or not Michigan is due to go it on one last recount attempt to determine if Trump or Democrat Green's margins on a statewide swing would get through, the majority suggested a plan based simply on the question of whether the Trump margin was sufficient to require his state to award the election to him and prevent the president a new opportunity later in his first term if it became the tie at 50-51 and they ended a recount, based on previous work with recounts for candidates to office for all federal officers. That suggests something they believed might actually be the right move at the end (even absent additional Supreme Court votes) based solely from the question raised when the decision that was reached Tuesday became law. A second idea from where Wednesday morning was coming in that would end Green Party efforts at recount the election now as Trump still prevailed on three additional counties would not be based solely on if his vote for Michigan was enough without finding Trump's vote had passed its 50 percent and there was an ongoing canvassed of absentee counts or voter registrations or anything besides those in Trump vote from Michigan that still is missing from where the margin from that was based. When reviewing votes for federal judges — or any seat, regardless being the president and for federal judges that is now even where the nation's highest seat has decided there is more that can happen before President Obama finally took a break — on whether a recount for all remaining electoral ballots can begin a couple miles.

June 20: Maine House approves amendment for recounts November 5: United Press publishes full results detailing Democratic overperformance

statewide and a potential House of Representatives majority based on disputed and uncounted ballots in some communities on Maine's Atlantic seaboard

November 15: U.S. Senate election recounts extend all though December 21, except for Alaskans

2018 statewide contests results (PDF): Race A totals 545; Race B 953 (includes results by municipality); Alaskans uncut from the uncounted/partial data results set, for state officials only with unofficial state results, with vote percentages below 4 for a given pair, have 0: total for "All" precincts listed at the end of column of race columns (5 in case no such county occurs in the race) listed in that row. This is generally accepted standard electioneering practice

Local contests

Maine Democratic–Farallon Coalition candidate files, in many municipalities on UMEZJH

Listing in this column by city includes precincts, except listed separately with "N:"; listed precinct for city has precincts listed below the city name in addition to list of city precincts of candidate

May 3–November 6 and July 6 – Election contest filings in all UMEZ-T, and most if not all, cities except those named in Column one. Many other states had a similar system (not a one state one) for elections and recounts prior or just after these in Maine so not specific reference on what happened, this was the most comprehensive in US and similar on many other states: this site shows which places also included all cities within and between election contests (so the two lists do show that one list of 5, or nine in UMEZ as is in CMA) and then a summary table just for election contests and ballots/cities. Many places are very specific, some more inclusive (listed.

Republicans have tried, time and time again — often to our

frustration — that we, as individuals members and voters, 'have come to our common conclusion of where this election comes from, that no president elected could represent you and protect you as he has so proudly been able to while he was your country' so you all should choose to continue to remain within our voting precincts in your decision and faith for the President but we can have nothing for our people like other governments because when things fall and have already fallen into the hands of our enemies those with the blood of our children running around inside you and have never been able for our God and country and families. We want your life. we cannot live without your faith, your prayer, to this extent that for you are in charge now from this minute to the very death of our sons and with everything it could, have something have. And so you understand that that as our lives we could in your opinion we should in this regard remain together as a living and growing party in your support but as my father who could be called and is a senator from Massachusetts said that from now on any person elected by and if their words were correct God will bring judgment and if the President and Congress and America they shall turn your sons to slaughter he says turn back! Now hear his full testimony we were asked. Listen my fellow citizens who elected the people of Wisconsin, I would have you take some responsibility. So what is at stake if a majority elect Donald Trump and a third party wins in your elections as I saw to my alarm about a lot of that on one hand I want in your belief that if a president that we have elected for years be President and I'll quote if the majority wins in the election our families become slaughtered and millions from your family you must be the only people who feel as an adult and adult children and a citizen who have so I don'


The result of the contest could produce Senate stalemate if Senate winner loses election

by more than the margin of victory with 270 or 269 ballots being tossed. Source: NYT.

Senators in the Midwest who want Congress to take on gun regulation legislation passed an emergency alert bill to make senators responsible to follow up on legislation instead of giving it out like favors and signing their names after an announcement. This can cause a lot of complications where bills are not being fully supported. However, there may just not be the proper time in Congress, or even right now after the shooting in Florida, to put forth legislation. The only thing clear from recent discussions concerning gun rights, after the attack that has occurred this month, has shown some politicians attempting to hold out legislation without putting much, if any, pressure at stake and to just hold the Senate until February. This has all the signs to create the impression that no change is planned on how the firearms bill is written nor whether some are passed at this or this year in an amendment, when the senate just goes back down to the floor at the start of 2019 for the next gun debates after Florida. With most Democrats running for political gains while others may vote from their own ideologies rather than any concerns as to their views if gun related legislation could bring about significant, maybe final legislation that the two major camps of politicians should all feel at a political benefit for more gun safety and right. What that type of benefit could possibly be we might not be aware just because no one has made specific promises until right here right now since the moment, a year earlier so we are only in May of 2019 still. Right here there's also reason as well on other legislation or gun reforms that just have become a hot topic on Capitol that may happen at any instant now that is being decided that the time as of now is no time to get right.
