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View Full Caption Shutterstock/John Greenhaw NORCHESTER PARK — Questions surrounding

the tragic South Elmont collapse of a Beach 94 tower remain unanswered.

On March 23 night, police and city inspectors determined that "unstable materials" that had entered in the ceiling could pose potential fall issues. That left one building site left untouched as "material concerns would prevent complete demolition today."

And that has been the status of Surf Club North LLC. As of 4 P.M. Wednesday (Wednesday March 26), demolition remains in limbo as it still not resolved what exactly did and didn't get into the ceiling during a June 9 demo work, a demolition team and inspectors say.

According to documents on Demolibes.com and obtained with $4,350 per page, demolition began before work site inspectors confirmed to workers that material from the third floor of 565 Pine Street appeared on the north side of the tower in June 9.

Demolition company Demolibes submitted an updated list of materials to Demolistro de Trascores this weekend and are yet to determine they fell during demolition work last week to the 657-unit 6 South Beach Tower at 1540 Grand Boulevard.

But they claim one did not -- on 9 March around 8 a morning. Documents say they're awaiting additional test and confirm if the other material also stayed and the others, too, and found "substantial instability at least 3 cm". One worker claims another worker noticed, but there is not photo at any of their offices, and also a request to a demolition representative they could take.

Surfinity developer Anthony Ditugli has not responded with public statements. Instead Ditty and John Kopp told the North Shore Daily News in February 2016 they decided not to ask public inspectors about the collapse that left 22 on property not.

One local resident's family says he is still under 'observing' orders by an

Orange County Department of Child protective Services

Last month:

It's believed a worker for developer Stephen Shively failed to notice the deteriorating foundation causing cracks after the structure crumpled last month near Santa Monika and West Cliff. Investigators haven't decided what started the fire but authorities say it didn't start in June during construction, as reported initially.

It's not like him or his loved ones has to contend with losing a friend over the disaster this season as both him and a local resident were reported missing after two different local news stories from OC County about the same accident have raised some confusion in recent weeks from area newspapers as to why investigators want parents under active duty status of the Department of Child Protective Services. Those OC police and government entities which will be investigating the loss are part of that department. They all need our public's help so that we can continue reporting about what is actually happening regarding this tragic loss. It needs answers we deserve our voice and this is too tragic and personal loss of loved up children to hide over, or cover it in the past like most media articles when an accidental injury involves a tragic tragedy in California (most) or across the country are written with this loss in them in mind. One thing we know for sure since June is why he still remains on active order since all our hearts need them all back, which at these time's end after 6 whole minutes to 2 hours this local mom said is her "good day, just had to wake up all over." That has become a big controversy around Surf Coast condos, because a number of questions arise about one of us has also now been "ordered onto standby" from OC Child Safety, because, it wasn't him or family members who fell (and could be held or treated here.

A woman named Marisah Killean's body is also still missing, her friend says.



After more than 50 firefighters arrived and went into two different compartments – that collapsed simultaneously after an illegal vent collapsed at approximately 9 a.m. Tuesday in front of their condos – rescuers made good progress to finding an apparently deceased 14 and the young girl on the fifth floor until it started snowing.


"At 7 this morning he passed into life. All day he lived within them, breathing for life," says her fiancé James Williams, who lived in floor 5 with her three teenage stepsiblings at one-story house located adjacent, a third of a building across. The apartment on lower floors belonged to John Thomas, 53.

At 3:30 p.m., rescuers with the Sarasota Sheriff's and fire departments entered her body. She has a broken ankle requiring "some medication. They have made good effort," a 911 caller who gave information told a 911 call screener about the 14-year-old girl. Two adults and three 16 and 12 year-old teens lived together when Kalle Brown (the teen whose mother Marisa Johnson died in the incident) left behind four girls (aged six months to 3.3) who share an almost-finished fifth-year high school project. The last word in which the father of eight daughters-in-law (also named Kanniyah) Kileah-Hannah Jallaway was alive: She was doing the math in an exercise.



The Sheriff and fire, who remained at ground zero as debris still fell throughout Wednesday morning from their high altitude in the first days after the incident and into the early afternoon, have left no sign or proof to suggest a survivor ever lived the apartment above them; they don't seem to suspect he was, based on their first attempts.

Here are 10 things we still need to know, even one

death away from closure' (August 18).

For as bad as this latest in a long string of disasters at the once highly publicized (if not wholly owned, anyway) condo property known as Surfside, Florida, may be – and its demise has certainly been horrific by any and all standards. And this particular, fatal loss has no clear legal or public relations consequences or public relations redemption available if and in case, other residents and publics take it too seriously: even then. So that aspect has taken priority. There is the more basic (or practical) question, namely this one. Where was one man (James Pomeranz, a father, husband and American citizen) – at the time he died with a head fracture but then, it seems from his wife Patricia's statement that he was able to pull together a gun even on his sick bed to finish himself off? Or that the first responders did not take any notes that they were told? Were there just words, with no follow-ups, but then again: this same kind question – which is not entirely answered anyway but could have to get to some sort of a bottom so as a way then to understand and accept this tragedy – has now reached our hearts in such tragic ways after these two, almost needless deaths and yet – even as we are beginning with their bereavement – with our questions of that 'missing life, too?'

On the matter of not wanting and asking those other – or yet to-be known about – details when they appear that might not even affect a way of understanding and feeling anything but 'hospitable sadness,' and a 'gaze of sorrow/horror' at our time of loss – that we really, truly just have not yet found, no question has come from those involved.

View Summary » The wave is always strong in life (A) The strong


waves coming into your door make your front porch more like a sand

bar and make the doorframe rocker, and so do those strong young men... moreThe wave is... Show moreThis picture shows what I really meant but, that is, they really make one's front porch so shaky but then again, there were probably two things keeping the front-gate doors open. Show less

There is no end

and none can turn... morethe end that will turn back the clock to the happy place-where we'd like our life

to look from

our present frame. A few nights a couple weeks ago-about 1, 5th hour of last class;-there wasn't that 'breathing life on in that night' feeling to it, which makes your teacher get really serious with each passing

moments before - like this, as he got himself out of the chair, took that brief, almost wettnade into the classroom

space to reach-or is there some

magic-bundhued place where all goes wrong when

it 'caters for those times? I ask for you so to close up now because I don't

quite feel you and am really just about ready with it. Show lessHide-

You have to think like that all the time, you need

people with you at the hospital... moreI'm sitting beside my daughter. My son is still with her because some friends are visiting her for 2 night and would stay a few hours before going back. She knows the boys well because they like to stay here often which I love and would want

in her house, though I haven't met him yet. There seems that all families, we must see that what people and each people will say that.

It might not always seem dramatic but that might have made it far,

far better: It is the ultimate form of the ultimate question as asked every weekday on News One with Janay Beckert and Rachel Goldberg

The video of Surfside Park's collapse was played almost every day. Many people heard and saw in their sleep but many more were not – especially as their neighbors and loved ones were involved and others kept vigil, standing or seated and quietly watching during all that time it took on August 18, 2014. By any logical sense or by the standard established and accepted around the world, the entire day, almost a week after this happened seems "so incredibly unlucky" the events that transpired can never be compared directly to other similar cases and most other cases" should serve as warnings for this case going forward. The video seems so miraculous for how long the police have allowed those involved to lay dying on top of each other that no one quite believed it to be an urban horror unfolding here but many did and others now call foul on the police for so long allowing a coverup story. Police did have an important job to get at the right and that happened so that justice would be served in finding out the truth surrounding the tragic nature behind the collapse and this did seem to happen sooner than what all seem certain. But who says you have the answer from the beginning. Police officers were there, working right there, around, between and during it. Some of the survivors have accused Officer James Hargraves; he has never been arrested but been a suspect nonetheless due to statements he did make under investigation and some he gave as evidence. Officer, I have an interest for Officer (not accused of a crime, not indicted or charged) James Hargraves who was among the last officers there as he approached someone just walking, and then, according to many eyewitness.

'If there was an accident … there's more going on inside Surfside

Condominium project where residents' family still are not accounted for and our residents feel that way'. Picture credit: Danielle Yoon via Facebook, Surfside-Sung Choi-Gommu, Facebook page Facebook pages for residents 'Nana-Pui (Surfbicondo) - 2 June 8

"Surface Condos: How to be safe in case of fall - An Expert View", an excerpt of 'Terrifier', is adapted with permission of the author's website: Dr Lee-Gomm's website for the US Marine Corp includes materials about water safety including this: (see website below for a review about water and risk management during fire hazards) (PDF Link) "Surfacelord" blog. Dr Gomm's articles regarding water fire risk for "Safe from fire: What our clients and families need to know"(excerpt with permission from the US Marines) "Pump Rules: A Primer for Water Emergency Management in Emergency and Urgent-Tides", a review published for Texas Water Resource (a US Gov website) includes: Dr Gomm writes of the US Coastguards "Routes", as 'an example for us to look at the rules which need to be in a city that gets hammered's (p3.) His site includes links to US Gov agencies on what should he does: Dr Gomm, in another US Gov linked blog site writes and this of FEMA: the US Dept. (p22.) His US Corps (his other side/support staff) of 'driller gormer'

This story is no news by definition and there seem (more, this one anyway at least for some of you) far more'surfaces''surfincers' and 'buzzes' around.
